Monday, October 26, 2009

The Snob Has Landed: Gary Vaynerchuk in Sonoma

Over the last two years the wit and wisdom of Gary Vaynerchuk has paved my way through the world of wine. Having been introduced to him in my senior year at college before I was really into wine, Vaynerchuk has been my defacto instructor through each phase of my enological journey.

The appeal that Gary has is easy to percieve. He is the antithesis of every wine snob you could imagine -- spitting into a New York Jets beer bucket, describing wines as tasting like Pickles and Soy Sauce and "doo doo", all the while shouting at his camera man and tossing corks in his general direction. I've grown to enjoy watching Gary's videos mainly for the little nuggets of wine knowledge he sprinkles in along with his reviews of various wines. These little nuggets make me sound cool when I repeat them among novices, firmly setting me on the path to eventual snobbery.

While I have never bought a wine from Vaynerchuk's store, or purchased and read any of his books, I feel obligated to now, as I recently had the good fortune to run into him on the square in downtown Sonoma.

Gary was in town doing a signing of his new book: "Crush It! Why Now is the Time to Cash in on Your Passion!" As celebrity sightings go this one was big for me, and it was my first picture as well. Gary was in a hurry to get on to the next book signing down in Corte Madera, yet was eager to take a picture and find out who I was and what I did in the area.

Gary's passion has led him into his role as a leader in our industry and in the world of social media, which turned his parent's wine shop in New Jersey into a multi-million dollar business in the span of just a few years. Gary's passion is an inspiration to me in both my interests in wine and in the social media/blogging world. As such, Gary now has a permanent spot in my pantheon of personal heroes. Along with....

Abraham Lincoln,

Lance Armstrong,

Indiana Jones,

And Launchpad McQuack, may he rest in peace.

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